Join Us for Ophthalmology's Premier Conference
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The 77th Annual Wills Eye Conference has solidified into what we expect to be an unforgettable meeting with an outstanding panel of invited speakers presenting alongside our impressive faculty. Our program includes a blend of our signature case-based panel discussions as well as didactic lectures, and we have incorporated multiple opportunities for the audience to engage with speakers and learn clinically-relevant pearls.
Last year, we introduced two new components to the program. First, we incorporated an innovation symposium highlighting groundbreaking research actively underway at our great institution. Second, we launched a Research Symposium on Thursday morning (preceding the Free Paper Session) that brought together basic science, applied research, and clinical research. Both of these aforementioned programs received extremely positive feedback from attendees, and we look forward to continuing both in years to come.
I hope that you enjoy this year’s Wills Eye Conference as much as I’ve enjoyed organizing it, and that you leave the meeting feeling fulfilled and armed with new, clinically-relevant knowledge. Please enjoy reconnecting with old friends and fostering new relationships with clinicians and industry supporters. We look forward to welcoming you!
Zeba A. Syed, MD, Conference Chair

Cutting-edge topics relevant to vision research featuring a renowned faculty of clinicians, scientists, and thought leaders who will share their latest findings and solutions.
In Person and Live Streamed

The Free Paper Session is an opportunity for Wills Eye residents, fellows, and medical students to present original research.
In Person and Live Streamed

This year's Physician Program offers an unparalleled opportunity to expand your knowledge, network with leading experts, and explore the latest innovations and advancements in all ophthalmic subspecialties.
In Person Only

This didactic program is specifically designed to meet the clinical needs of allied ophthalmic personnel. Technicians will gain a broader understanding of their role in the prevention, detection, and treatment of vision impairments.
In Person Only

Learn best practices, novel strategies, and evidence-based approaches to improve the front desk experience and practice infrastructure. Participants will have the opportunity to gain new knowledge and insights and discuss upcoming changes and challenges.
In Person Only
Why Attend?

Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it. Albert Einstein
Dear Colleagues,
We warmly invite you to our 77th Annual Wills Conference. We look forward to joining you in Philadelphia for a wonderful few days as, together, we pursue what Einstein characterized as our lifelong quest to acquire wisdom! A worthy goal indeed, especially for ophthalmologists, tasked with preserving and restoring vision – one of humanity’s most noble and life-enhancing missions.
We look forward to working with you towards this life goal. Never have we had a more inspiring and justly famed line up of speakers who add to our faculty expertise to produce a ne plus ultra of shared knowledge, critical updates, and collegiality.
We have expanded our offerings with an immersive and interactive research day, as well as named lecture presentations and our signature clinical updates and panels. In terms of return on investment of time and energy, we are proud to be recognized year after year at the very top of medical education resources.
We look forward to engaging with you in far more than just schooling. Our lifelong acquisition of wisdom is admixed with what Wills has been known for over almost 200 years – a special zest and camaraderie that makes the journey a very special one!
Julia A. Haller, MD
Ophthalmologist-in-Chief and
William Tasman, MD Endowed Chair Wills Eye Hospital
Discover the latest trends, explore recent advancements, learn best practices, and hear case studies from ophthalmology's leading experts.
Don't Forget to Register!